Thursday, October 29, 2009

Five Components to a Great Presentation

Seth Godin has some suggestions in his book "Free Prize Inside" to make a great presentation using Power Point.

1. No more than six words on a slide. Ever. There is no presentation so complex that this rule needs to be broken.

2. No cheesy images. Use professional stock photo images.

3. No dissolves, spins or other transitions.

4. Sound effects can be used a few times per presentation, but never use the sound effects that are built into the program. Instead, rip sounds and music from CDs and leverage the Proustian effect this can have. If people start bouncing up and down to the Grateful Dead, you've kept them from falling asleep, and you've reminded them that this isn't a typical meeting you're running.

5. Don't hand out printouts of your slides. They don't work without you there.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Comparing Documents in Word

Have you ever been working on a document and saved it as a draft, opened it again and saved it as draft 2 and later could not remember which was which? Here is an easy way to compare two documents side by side - no you don't have to have two monitors!

Word has a Compare feature that will allow you to open multiple documents and compare them with one another. This feature works great when working with other staff members on the same document.

1. Click on the Review tab
2. In the Compare Group, click Compare
3. Click Compare again
4. Enter the documents you want to compare
5. Click on OK
6. Now both documents are visible side by side in the same window

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Got Viruses?

While browsing the internet today, don't tell me you don't do the same thing, I found an interesting article about getting rid of unwanted viruses or hackers.

If you think your computer is being hacked or has been infected with a virus here is how you can check:

1. Right click on an empty space on the taskbar
2. Click Task Manager
3. Click the Processes Tab
4. Under Image Name look at all the .exe files that are listed.
5. Whatever you don't recognize, and for some of us that would be more than half, you can look them up and see if they are spyware or if it is something that has to be there to make your computer do what you want it to do.
6. The website is
7. Check each .exe file you don't recognize and if it is something that you don't need, after checking Process Library, then click on End Process.